
As a kid, each year my family would cook hamburgers and hot dogs before jumping into the van to go to a local fireworks show for the 4th of July. Nowadays when July rolls around, I find myself feeling a little nostalgic. I’m not a sentimental person, but if I don’t do at least a little something to celebrate I can’t help but get homesick and start to miss my family.

I’m not alone in this. Many Americans raising families in Costa Rica feel the same way, and find recreating Independence Day traditions for their own children important. Some go as far as putting together beautiful firework displays, just so their kids will enjoy the same traditions that they did growing up.

Luckily, in most towns in Costa Rica you can find at least some other American expats planning their own 4th of July festivities. Here are a couple of the big ones.17183439261_45e8c09d50_b

In Guanacaste:

This year, the Costa Rica Sailing Center in Surfside, Portrero is having a huge party with hamburgers, hot dogs, fireworks and games. There will also be live music by Glass Eye and DJ CUE Ball.

The restaurant at Mar Vista also hosts a get-together.

Flamingo Beach Resort – While they are not offering fireworks, they are offering a lot of festivities starting at noon. There will be a BBQ a 12pm followed by table games at 1:50pm. At 2:50pm there will be choreographed dancing, bingo at 3:50pm and a marching band at 4:30pm.  

In San Jose:

The American Colony Committee in San Jose is hosting their 56th annual 4th of July picnic on Sunday, July 3. It will be held from 9am-1pm at Cervecería Costa Rica in Alajuela just off the General Cañas Highway, with fireworks on Avenida Escazu at 6pm. Cost is 5000c or $10, and includes all drinks, food, games etc. US citizens are invited and can bring one Tico friend.

photo credit: 2014-06-19 澎湖國際海上花火節閉幕煙火 via photopin (license)

photo credit: Fly Free via photopin (license)